I realized that human can get used even to pain
Kind of loneliness which makes your heart empty
As if you would slowly ceases to feel everything
But you know that pain is still somewhere there
But you are strong enought to smile
So when sometimes they see your tears
You do not want them to think that you cry
"It is nothing, just eyelash fell into my eye"
You are strong enought to sing again
So when they hear your scream
You do not want them to think that you are weak
"I am out of the tune. This is not because a pain"
And finally you are strong enought to move on
You are strong enought to make another step
But really you are afraid to love someone
Still you want them to think that you run away for fun.
Kind of loneliness which makes your heart empty
As if you would slowly ceases to feel everything
But you know that pain is still somewhere there
But you are strong enought to smile
So when sometimes they see your tears
You do not want them to think that you cry
"It is nothing, just eyelash fell into my eye"
You are strong enought to sing again
So when they hear your scream
You do not want them to think that you are weak
"I am out of the tune. This is not because a pain"
And finally you are strong enought to move on
You are strong enought to make another step
But really you are afraid to love someone
Still you want them to think that you run away for fun.
Zrozumiałam, że człowiek może przywyknąć nawet do bólu
Tego rodzaju samotności, która sprawia, że Twoje serce jest puste
Jakbyś z czasem przestawał czuć cokolwiek
Ale nadal wiesz, że ból jest gdzieś w Tobie
Ale jesteś dość silny by się uśmiechać
Zatem kiedy widzą twoje łzy
Nie chcesz, aby myśleli, że płaczesz
"To nic, tylko rzęsa wpadła mi do oka"
Jesteś dość silny by ponownie śpiewać
Zatem kiedy słyszą Twój krzyk
Nie chcesz, aby myśleli, że jesteś słaby
"Po prostu nie trafiłem w ton. To nie przez ból"
W końcu jesteś wystarczająco silny, by ruszyć na przód
Jesteś wystarczająco silny by zrobić kolejny krok
Jednak tak naprawdę boisz się kogoś pokochać
Nadal chcesz, aby myśleli, że uciekasz dla zabawy.